Trekking in the Choč Mountains


Mountains, whose charms are well known to Slovak hikers but off the beaten track for most foreign tourists. The Prosiecka valley is considered to be one of the most beautiful in all Slovakia. Another rewarding hike is the climb to the summit of Choč, which offers breath-taking views of both, the High and the Low Tatras.

Trekking path 1: Prosiecka dolina (605 m) - Veľké Borové (830 m) - Kvačianska dolina (630 m)

Grade: 3
Duration: 5 hours
Trekking paths in the woods along the stream, ladders, grassy terrain, forest paths

Trekking path 2: Lúčky (600 m) – Veľký Choč (1607 m) – Valaská Dubová (665 m)

Grade: 3
Duration: 5:30 hours
Trekking paths in the woods, rocky paths in the draft pines forest

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