Trekking in the Veľká (Great) Fatra


The Veľká Fatra is a mountain range in the Western Carpathians and offers some of our least disturbed mountain environments. The main characteristic features of this national park are its wide meadows. The whole mountain chain has a high main ridge, which  divides into two branches: Liptovská and Turčianska. The highest mountain is Ostredok. Other notable summits in the main body of the Veľká Fatra are Krížna and Ploská.  The main summit on the western Turiec Ridge is Borišov  and on the eastern Liptov Ridge, Rakytov.

Trekking path 1A: Military convalescent home Smrekovica Granit (1350 m)  Smrekovica (1368 m)  Northern Rakytovské saddle (1405 m)  Rakytov (1567 m)  Northern Rakytovské saddle (1405 m)  Chalet Limbo (1210 m) - Háj before the Teplá valley (635 m)  Liptovská Osada (600 m)

Grade: 3
Duration: 4:45 hours
Trekking path in woods, meadows and grassy terraiin

Trekking path 1B: Military convalescent home Smrekovica Granit (1350 m)  Smrekovica (1368 m)  Northern Rakytovské saddle (1405 m)  Rakytov (1567 m)  South Rakytovské saddle (1295 m) – Saddle under Čierny kameň (1270 m)  Over Malá Turecká (940 m)  Stredná Revúca (680)

Grade: 3+
Duration: 4:50 hours
Trekking path in woods, meadows and grassy terrain

Trekking path 2: Vyšná Revúca (705 m)  Ploská saddle (1390 m)  Chalet under Borišov (1260 m)  Ploská saddle (1390 m) – Saddle under Čierny kameň (1270 m)  Stredná  Revúca (680 m)

Grade: 4+
Duration: 5:45 hours
Trekking path in woods, meadows and grassy terraiin

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